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Our mission is to impact families to have stronger futures, through knowing who we are and where we are going and teaching others to do the same. To live purpose driven, value focused lives.

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Eric and Alison met in university. Originally, they had a vision of opening a traditional business. After many meetings to explore that path, they felt disenchanted with where that vision was taking them. They wanted family to be the focus of their lives. They didn't want to own a business that they would be more married to than each other and they didn't want to manage employees that got more of their time than future children would. They realized most of their decisions weren't driven by their values, but by cultural norms: status, finances, and guilt. That began a pursuit to find like-minded individuals that were willing to guide them to the results they were looking for.


Understanding that success is defined by more than what you accomplish in a career, they sought out relationships with people that are examples of holistic success - strong marriages, healthy relationships with their children, a focus on faith, excellence in personal development, physical health, and finances. They realized a focus on what and how to do something would never lead to the dream life they desired. They began to have a shift in their mindset and began to focus on why they would pursue a path and who they would need to guide them. They shifted their sails and began to pursue endeavors that would align with the results they desired. 

Along the way, they have realized how important it is to really know who you are and what you value. Developing a vision for your life is like having a destination on a road trip. You know where you want to end up, but you don't really know what you'll see or learn about yourself along the way. They are driven to be the best example they can be for their children of a strong committed marriage, dedication to excellence and personal growth, integrity in relationships, a leadership focused family, and a pursuit of character. 

"We want our children to see us fall and rise again... we want them to be able to point to us as great examples in their life. Rather then idolizing celebrities, I want my children to see greatness in their mom and dad."


"To me, there is nothing more important than what I create inside my home. My choices on a daily basis form my children's opinion of what a father figure looks like. It's my responsibility to be dedicated to pursuing a life of greatness for them. To show them how truly big and wonderful the world is."


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